More details of my stereo slide
mounting jig
Here are some more photos showing details of the jig I made for
mounting stereo slides. Inside the box is a small fluorescent
lamp, 8 watts I think.

Set up for mounting.

Open to insert slide mount. Hold-down clamps are attached to a
sliding piece of acrylic with a cutout to accomodate the slide

Viewer is lowered to check mounting accuracy.

Mounting gauge from Reel-3D Enterprises is attached to lower piece of
acrylic. There are 2 strips of teflon tape to space the sliding
part up off of the gauge. There is also a piece of clear acrylic
on the bottom of the sliding section. It is important that this
piece be very thin (< 1/16 inch).

Film chips are held down by toggle clamps with estension bars and
rubber tips added. The toggle clamps came out of an old
splicer. Note that the left one is attached to a microscope stage
to allow for X & Y adjustment after the viewer is lowered.

Here is a fuzzy close-up of the toggle clamp. I remove the upper
bar when using RBT mounts, and keep both in place when using heat seal

Here is another view of the left toggle clamp.

The viewer was cut out of a Franka viewer. The lenses aren't the
greatest, but are adequate for the purpose.